Whether you got it from an insurance claim, personal injury lawsuit, or even lottery payments selling an annuity settlement for immediate cash can be a great decision for a variety of reasons. Paying off hospital bills or student loans are important for obvious reasons. Maybe you’re all set in those categories though, but have been eyeing a new home, or piece of waterfront property. Getting cash for annuity payments is a great way to acquire the necessary funds to put down for real estate.
If you take the annuity you won’t see the bulk of your money for many years, which is part of the reason 92% of claimants who sell their structured settlements are satisfied with their decision. It?s important to note in most cases real money is involved with annuity settlements. The average structured settlement payout is $324,000.
Buying a house, or real estate property in general, is one of the most costly expenses you’ll probably ever make in your life. The average price for existing homes sold in the U.S. is about $188,900. The slow trickle an annuity provides simply won’t cut it if you’re looking to buy now as you?re going to need a down payment of close to 20% of the units value, according to MortgageCalculator.org. Cash for annuity payments can provide with just that.
There’s really no better time to invest in real estate than right now. As the market has slowly recovered in recent years the average rate on the 30-year-fixed mortgage was less than 4% in all but one of the first nine months of 2015. The lone exception was July?s 4.05% rate.
Even an “immediate” annuity you usually don’t start receiving payments for 30 days, and that will be just a small percentage. If you’ve ever dreamt about buying a new piece of real estate consider getting immediate cash for annuity payments today and make your dreams come true tomorrow.