Every working American dreams of retiring eventually, and one of the most common ways that people prepare for it is by opening an individual retirement account (IRA). About half of elderly Americans are considered to be economically vulnerable, so making sure that you’re getting the most out of your IRA is essential. People usually do this by investing, but even with self directed IRAs and self directed IRA lending, the rules are pretty strict. Here are a couple of things you probably didn’t think you could invest in with your IRA.
1. Gold Coins
One of the things that people assume that they can’t invest in using their IRA is coins, since more often than not they are seen as collectibles, and you can’t get collectibles under that tax-shelter — you have to pay the taxes on them the year you acquire them. You really can’t invest in collectibles with an IRA, and you probably don’t want to, but there are a few different coins that the IRS will allow you to purchase with your IRA because of the amount of precious metals in them. These include U.S. minted gold coins in certain denominations (one ounce, half ounce, quarter ounce, and one-tenth ounce).
2. Real Estate (With a Non Recourse Loan Agreement)
Another thing that people never think they can invest in with their IRA is real estate. The beauty of self directed IRA lending to buy real estate is that is creates a source of income for you in retirement. This can be pretty tricky, and the only way to do it is with non recourse IRA loans. What is a non recourse loan? It just means that the borrower (that’s you) secures the loan with some type of real property, and the non recourse lender cannot seize anything other than that should you default on the loan.
What have you invested in with your IRA? Let us know in the comments. See this link for more.