Things are about to change. After years of struggling to make ends meet and living paycheck to paycheck, you finally have an opportunity to reach the financial stability you have been dreaming of. While some have been trying to convince you to take monthly payments of your winnings, you have decided to sell your lotto win for a lump sum. Instead of waiting for payments at the end of every month you can have your money now so that you can reach the goals that you have long had for yourself and your family.
If you found yourself in this happy scenario, what would you do:
- Buy a home for yourself and your family. After years of throwing rent money away, will you finally own the home of your dreams?
- Pay off all of your debt. After months of juggling credit card balances and late payments will you finally pay off all of those high interest cards that have been keeping you from financial security?
- Start your own business. Do you have the skills to have your own lawn and garden service, but have instead always worked for someone else? Your decision to sell your lotto win for a lump sum will allow you the opportunity to purchase your own equipment and work for yourself.
- Go finish the college degree that you started nearly 15 years ago. You keep reading the headlines about how people with college diplomas earn more money, but you have never been able to afford to enroll. Rather than relying on a college tuition loan, now you can pay up front for the college education that you have long dreamed of.
- Take your family on a dream vacation. You have always been smart with your money, but have never had anything extra left at the end of the month when you have finished paying all of your bills. Now that you have decided to sell your lotto win for a lump sum, you can take your family on the vacation they deserve.
- Put a large sum of money away to pay for the future college education of your children. While it took you and your wife almost 20 years to pay off your college debt, you now have the opportunity to give your children what you never had. A fully prepaid college education.
Long drawn out lottery payments might seem like a good decision for some, but for many people taking your winnings in a lump is a much better choice. While selling off an annuity can cost surrender charges of up to 10%, did you know that 92% of claimants who sell their structured settlement are completely satisfied with their decision. Why should you wait for the lottery annuity payout process, when you can get the lump sum you deserve now? With an “immediate” annuity, you can generally start receiving payments in as little as 30 days.