People with structured settlements often think that they are forever stuck with a measly fixed payment that does nothing to help their current and long-term financial situation. Often times, fixed payments are distributed over 20 or more years, and nobody has the patience to wait that long to receive the money they deserve.
Thankfully, there are companies willing to give you large amounts of cash for a settlement. Here’s the best part; you get it now. No more waiting around by the mailbox for tiny checks and no more growing debt problems. The facts surrounding loans and increased living expenses are downright shocking, and may make you strongly consider receiving cash for a settlement and drastically changing your life. Here are three of the most alarming facts concerning debt and structured settlements in America:
27% of Americans have no savings at all. This is a scary statistic that speaks to the recent recession that the country is attempting to rebound from. There’s a good chance that you don’t have any savings right now, and your entire monthly fixed payment is going directly to bills and other commitments. You need some sort of savings to cover emergency cash needs and other unexpected expenses, and getting cash for your settlement now is the way to achieve that.
The average college graduate will have $35,000 in student loans. Presidential candidates are currently making their rounds promising to put an end to student loan debt, but there is no immediate resolution in sight. Student loans are a major factor in the growing debt problem in America, and over 40% of U.S. families spend more than they earn, which makes it impossible to eliminate debt. You are in the coveted position to receive cash for your settlement and pay off your student loans in one fell swoop.
Only three states do not permit you to get cash for a settlement. If you think you can’t sell your settlement for cash, you’re probably wrong. As of today, only three states do not have Structured Settlement Protection Acts: Wisconsin, New Hampshire, and Washington D.C. A lot of settlement recipients seem to think that they’re stuck with fixed payments for the rest of their life, but that simply is not the case.